www.markherrmann.com's photos More of www.markherrmann.com's photos

Saturday, May 03, 2008

The BIG Day

This past October, I took my girlfriend Carrie to Gatlinburg, TN. She has never been there before, and she was very excited. We stayed in a nice little cabin in the woods. The second day there, we went up into the mountains to take some pictures. As a photographer, I had my tripod ready. We found a few great locations to take some pictures. On our way out of the mountains, we found a cool creek with some huge rocks. We climbed out onto the rock and set the tripod up. I did two practice runs, to make sure I could hit the timer on the camera and get to Carrie before the picture took. On the third try, I hit the timer, ran over to Carrie, pulled out the ring and got on one knee.(Well, close enough) You can see by the look on her face she was VERY surprised. She said "YES" of course, and the rest is history. The picture turned out great, and everyone who sees it, Loves it. We are getting married in August, and are very excited.
The cabins we stayed in are called Terrace on the Water. Their web site is http://www.terraceontheparkway.com/ Check it out, and tell them Mark from Cinci sent ya.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Capture Cincinnati Photo Contest(You Can Vote)

The Capture Cincinnati Photo Contest is on once again. I have about 60 photos in the contest now. The best part about this contest, YOU get to vote for your favorite photos. The contest runs through Sept. 08, so go to the link below and vote for the photos you like best. You do have to register on the site to vote, but it is FREE.(unless you WANT to send me some money) http://seed.capturecincinnati.com/people/markh75