Alice Cooper Painting
The artist of the painting that Alice Cooper gave me is Jason Bogart. To see this and other paintings by Jason, go to This guy has a unique imagination.
Thanks for visiting my site. I would love to have a career as a photographer for a music magazine, or maybe tour with a band as their photographer. If you work for, or know someone who works for a music magazine, please send them a link to my site. Photography and music have been my passions since I was a kid. Any help you can provide will be great. To see more photos, click below. You can contact me at
I have been to a few shows of Bogarts and a few more that he showed at like the diry show in Detroit. His work is killer...You have to see his stuff live to get a real feel for the intense art he puts out. Just seeing it on the web sites is cool but you will be ahh struck by seeing it live. The colors and detail in this mans work is just plan madness...Can't wait to see one of his shows again. I own a few of his works and people that come by the house go nuts when they see the works he puts out......Look for one of his shows or one of the shows he maybe doing in Detroit you will walk away with a work of his by the end of the night thats for sure...
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